Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Its the anniversary of my BC!

Two years ago, I set out in the rain ( yes it was pouring, no lie) and I walked across the street from my university in FL to a Paul Mitchell Hair School to get my relaxed ends cut off.
I had enough of the two textures so bye bye bye! *cues generic boy band choreography*

Here's a pic from that day after the cut. I had hopped in the shower and did a co wash after I got back from the salon.

I had some ends that needed to still be trimmed. I got out of the salon real quick, no shape up :|
I was in utter shock so I needed to get it together and to help myself cope, I went to CVS and bought some products lol.

Tomorrow I'll post some more throwback pics in comparison to today in celebration of this momentous occasion.
My hair needs to be washed but I've been rocking a banging twist out so that's my excuse.
It's been two weeks since I last washed my hair :|

Blah blah.

Enough of the speeches, tis party time.
Crank ya speakers up and do a two step with me cuz its OUR (me & my hair) Anniversarryy!!


  1. Girl, I can't wait 'til the day of my big chop anniversary. i'm still transitioning, : (. I love that song by the way....congrats on one year lata!

  2. Thank you so much!

    It's 2 years btw
